Friday, April 11, 2008

Seniors Year.

I have been to one hour of class this week. One. Sixty minutes.

Today I fully planned on going to wine class. This class is called "the history of wine." When reading the bulletin for good classes to take, myself (and every other second semester senior) seemed to have read that title as the history of WINE. Unfortunately, our teacher actually meant it to be read as "the HISTORY of wine." This class fucking sucks.
I sat in Kogan for about twenty minutes before class and fully decided that class was a waste of my time. In true senior spirit, I grabbed a Nalgene of Cape Codder, a folding chair and proceeded to sit in the sun for 5 hours drinking before work. This was great. Except at around 8pm I realized that I could literally feel the heat emanating off my sunburn through my work shirt. Fuck. I am a lobster.

And, as it turns out, I am remarkably red. A la farmers tan. It's bad news... I hurt. I dont really even know what I'm writing about now because I'm pretty drunk. Did you know that apparently you should NOT drink when the last thing you ate was an Ellio's frozen cheese pizza slice nine hours before? Yeah, it's true. Put it in your back pocket.

I'm going to bed, I have to try our for commencement speaker tomorrow. HAHA that is true.

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