Friday, January 16, 2009

I don't tip on beer...

Now that I am dabbling as a bartender I encounter a wide variety of people from all walks of life, and while I also do when I wait tables, the addition of copious amounts of alcohol makes these interactions all the more hilarious.

"I don't mean to be rude but..." was what a drunken Georgetown asshole premised his request one day. You know what I say, don't even finish that statement whatever you are going to say is going to be rude and I am probably either going to kick you out or make you a very special shot called a cement mixer.

Look fun? Maybe but funny thing happens when you mix Baileys and Lime Juice, its like pouring cement in your mouth. Have fun puking that out.

"The Secret Service called me the other day about the guns in my house..." is a prime example of TOO MUCH INFORMATION. I don't care and I don't really want to know that the angry alcoholic who comes in every night and gets sloshed alone is armed.

And finally, coinciding with the title of this post I was out somewhere else and ran into this person who insisted that tipping on beer is not necessary, as it takes no effort for the bartender to open that beer. Sure, go for it. The bartender will love to provide you quick and expedited service. Seriously.

Also this video is slightly hilarious, there are a ton of different videos all letting you know that your bartender probably hates you. Check it out!

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