Sunday, July 6, 2008

Trail of Beers

If you were driving down Wisconsin Avenue yesterday around 6 pm you would have been witness to a glorious spectacle, 4 of us, Rio leading the way with a keg, R with 2 30-racks on his shoulders, Flash with a cart full of mixers and myself holding another 30-rack and a backpack full of booze. Thus the Trail of Beers as I call it, commenced another successful "gathering" at OHD house.

Once again our party patrons did not disappoint as no alcohol remained this morning, minus that bottle of 12 dollar bourbon...okay perhaps not the most popular purchase.

Flash of course almost got her ass beat. Actually, not true at all, she has a killer right hook. However someone was added to the Do Not Invite list and I think we all know who that was...a sad reminder that even if you do go to a state school, in the end you are just an alcoholic.

Just a reminder the Rayger is next weekend as we celebrate Flash's next 3 birthdays. All we can do is pray our neighbors are once again gone for the weekend.

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