Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hark! Lo it comes, the Investigation 'o the Century

Post-GW: Ms. "J Clue" applies for gov't high level job concerning extremely sensitive materials, "the public trust". As the good friend that I am, I offer to confirm to federal investigators her ability to care for, nurture and lovingly caress said "public trust". Granted, I was hungover for my 2pm rendezvous with the secret agent, but all seemed to be going well as I eloquently described J Clue's temperment as "chill" and "laidback". If, like me, you heard federal investigator and thought James Bond, the grey-suited-24-year-old-Willie-Loman-wannabe was a bit of a downer. And he had poor penmanship-- I couldn't read what he was writing (...via her personal relationships with vagrants, J Clue is not fit to fondle public trust etc). And he was sober.

The sad American version of James Bond then mocked me for currently being unemployed and for my inablility to meet with him earlier than 2pm due to "other scheduled things" (pancakes with the roomie). Fair.

Now I'm off to join MissMountVernon for rooftop drinks. I love this time of year. It makes me feel so INSOUCIANT.

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