Friday, September 12, 2008

3 Months of Post-College Debauchery in 1 Photo

Though there were only 5 of us, it always felt like 14 or so, give or take... Mostly because we always had wonderfully lush friends and drunkard acquaintances enjoying the pleasure of our company (booze for boobs policy: splash of the Flash genius). Also maybe there were 9 dead bodies in the alleyway, formerly of the laundry room. Whatevs. All I know is I had great times in the OHD house (cemetery) even if... PEOPLE DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE EXPLICITLY STATED GOLDEN REQUEST FOR BOOBSPLZ. It's such a considerate house rule: plz!

*sigh* I guess I'm ok with it. I mean, boob-viewing-gender-preference withstanding, this photo most impresses me not with what is absent (titties!), but that there is a nearly full handle of decent rum in the middle of the table. Please pay no attention to that unholy handle of "Georgetown Kentucky Bourbon" on the far right. Since it was first sneakily bought by MissMountVernon during a group alcohol run to Wagner's back at like our first party, that cheaper-than-ramen "bourbon" had not been touched. At all. It was never even opened and sniffed to see if it was decent. We knew it wasn't. Not even the blackout assholes who drank in our cemetery for free would touch the stuff.

However, I did not give up.

Moving day came and that damned bottle was still sitting there. Naturally I gave it to the nice college fraternity boy helping me move... Just off the top of my head, I'd say at least 1 freshman got sexed from "bourbon". And that's good enough for me.

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