Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Obama's A Fitch Bitch!

Oh Miss Mount Vernon, fear not! I too have a paper due today at 6pm but, like a moth to a flame, I couldn't stay away from the Pennsylvania election night coverage. I swear I was thinking about my paper the whole time (obvi) so, riddled with guilt and stress, I didn't enjoy it. But I did catch this wonderful gem during his concession speech:

This is just too good! The fitch bitches, err I mean-- these bro-dudes, apparently love Barry. But why? Prepare to crap your progressive American Apparel underoos, courtesy of that bitch Jezebel: "From blind gayvotion to NAFTA to centimillionaire executive pay packages to endemic racism to bland pointless predictability Abercrombie is the epitome of everything about the America that is not "ready" for a black Muslimy Marxist freethinking president." I dunno, maybe it's some kind of fucked up product placement? Volunteer service hour requirements? Whatever it is, it's a turnoff. I'm voting Nader. Well, ok, I'm voting Nader if Ron Paul can't wrap up the GOP nom.

But seriously, who wears that crap? Juuuuust kidding... but seriously.

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