Saturday, October 4, 2008

Birthday Lessons...

Birthdays are ideal for learning important lessons:

1. Maybe you should have said no to those Mexicans from San Fransisco who bought you those tequila shots because you lamely attempt speak Spanish with them. Tequila is no bueno.

2. Therapy Thursday: 4 shots, 4 beers for $12. Okay never a good idea.

3. Not only is Therapy Thursday dangerous, but shamelessly hitting on the bartender who then proceeds to make you more shots (It will be a long while before I can taste a Girl Scout Cookie shot again.

4. Returning to you alma mater blackout. oops.

5. I need to keep my phone attached to my hip, rather then in the backseat of a cab when I return home. Not only did I forget it, since I use it for my alarm I woke up at 11 am the next morning, when I was supposed to be in at 10. I come in my manager laughs at me, and sends me home because I am in no state to serve customers.

6. Walk of shame BACK to work later that day to retrieve the phone the kind cab driver brought back. Everyone knew my shame.

Oh birthdays...